Breakside Brewery
Brand Strategy/Social Media Positioning and Marketing/Packaging Design/Illustration
Breakside Brewery is an award winning brewery located in Portland Oregon. It has always had an art centered brand at its core since its conception in 2010.
In 2015, Sockeye Studio took it through its first rebranding giving it a solid brand to stand on as it continued to grow and expand. 
Brands need to adapt and evolve as time goes on. With the Pandemic the industry took a huge turn and taproom sales plummeted, making it absolutely necessary to switch to cost effective distribution. This meant aluminum cans over glass bottles. So the challenge is how to update a brand like Breakside Brewery? 

Sockeye Rebrand 2015
Sockeye Rebrand 2015
New Rebrand
New Rebrand
1. How to redefine and update the overall brand with modern look while holding onto the essence of its core, tone and values?
2. How to translate, reformat, and in some cases breathe new artistic life into the product brands as they move into canning?
3. How to convert? How to cultivate a brand that gets customers in the door and buying our products?

A Breakside ad that I directed and shot for use on the brand's social platforms.

Label Strategy:
Breakside makes high quality, unique, handcrafted beers, and we wanted to really emphasis those qualities. We leaned into the unique artistic core of the brand by utilizing the entire can as a canvas to showcase each piece of artwork. This allows the art to speak for itself on the sub-brand while "Breakside" is always visible either on the top or side of each label. In an over-saturated market and overcrowded shelves, we wanted consumers to see "Breakside" no matter what direction the can was facing. 
Brand Identity:
 It was imperative to simplify the main color scheme and font type for consistency and brand recognition. "DIN" was a clear choice for the typeface as it's clean and modern and draws consumers attention. We chose to emphasize the "Seeker" icon that Sockeye had created and incorporate it more into our marketing materials.

Brand Strategy:
In order to create a successful strategy, we had to narrow down and ask, "what problem do we solve as a company?"  
We realized that Breakside doesn't just sell beer. We offer a community experience.
How do we show that? 
Show people. Create a brand showcasing community and people having a good time, enjoying life, and the beer through consistent content.
A clean, modern, artistic brand that holds true to the Breakside that consumers and the community love.
A look at the Marketing System developed for Breakside.
Understanding how everything branches out from Breakside's Ethos - Seek & Enjoy.
If you're looking for a design and marketing strategy, let's start a conversation!

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